First and Second Class:
For Wellness Wednesday 1st and 2nd class got a real teddy for the day to play with and to do mediation with. This was great fun and really relaxing.

We also did friendship buddies, for this we were paired up with another child in the classroom. We coloured a picture of a teddy and wrote a nice message for our buddy. We then played with our buddy at break time. We really enjoyed playing with our buddy and loved Wellness Wednesday!
Junior and Senior Infants:
We coloured in our kindness teddy bears and we also had a kindness buddy to play with during small break.
For Wellness Wednesday, we made sure to include plenty movement and exercise breaks into our daily schedule. Thankfully the weather was good so we got to did our movement breaks outside.

Third and Fourth Class:
We enjoyed colouring in mandalas and had some meditation breaks on Wellness Wednesday. We painted a collaborative class kindness poster too with the message- In a world where you can be anything, be kind. We went on a nature walk and learned some local history about our area on the way. We had secret friendship buddies in our class. During that week we were extra kind to our buddies and there was great excitement when we found out who we had.
