October 10-18 - Maths Week 2020.
The fun for Maths Week is on-going. Mr O'Mahony introduced us all to Bee-Bots. These little bee robots offer lots of fun while teaching us strategic thinking and coding. Classes have gone on maths trails, explored shapes and patterns and discovered how maths relates to everyday life.

BeeBots with 3rd and 4th class:

3rd and 4th enjoyed using the Izak9 cubes and playing dice and card games to help with their maths tables!

Maths Trail around the school with the junior and senior infants.

1st and 2nd class had great fun using cards to learn more about addition. They experimented with the Bee-Bots and also played a game called 'Connect 3' from their maths book.

Church Trail with 3rd and 4th class...
