5th and 6th class have been looking at perspective drawings, studying Australia on their national holiday on 26th January and writing instructions for different card tricks. Ms McKenna has been giving us a unique perspective on living in Australia and we have been asking her lots of questions about Australia – about the weather, the animals living there, what school is like etc. We have completed group projects about Australia with topics such as Australian Vehicles, Australian animals and Farming in Australia and will present them to the class. We have learnt about Numbats and Wobbegongs and looked at Aboriginal dot paintings.
The school borrowed the Lego We Do kits from the Education Centre for two weeks
and 3rd – 6th class were very successful in putting together the models and figuring
out how to programme their creations using the laptops.

Some of the 5th and 6th brought in some of their completed Lego projects. Oisin brought in his space shuttle, Michael brought in his Bugatti Chiron, Fintan brought in some Star Wars Lego, Siobhan brought in some Friends Lego and Bláithín brought in the Lego typewriter she made. Our class really likes our Lego.
We have had a great time playing cluichí gaeilge with Ms O’Shea and even created our
own sceál. We made comic strips of our story and really enjoyed a bheith ag labhairt as
Karolina is teaching dance to all classes for January and February which we are really enjoying. We have been lucky so far in that the weather has been dry for the lessons. The school also had their session with School Fitness Ireland with Sinead. We won this workshop last year and all classes really enjoyed the session.
Tuning Up is a music-in-schools programme in partnership with West Cork Music, which provides students with the unique opportunity to experience a performance by the best of Irish musicians. Music filled the school on January 24th when we had a music workshop with Catriona and Alex, two members of the Bangers and Crash
Percussion Group. The students were introduced to a wide range of percussion instruments and covered the basic foundations of music including pulse, dynamics and rhythm. They learned about the role of percussion in orchestras and bands and the musicians performed some well-known pieces from films and cartoons. It was a lovely afternoon of music.
February has been busy with making Bridget’s crosses with all the other classes. We
also celebrated Catholic Schools week. Unfortunately we couldn’t have our
grandparents in to visit but we made them cards to show them how important they are
to us.
We also had mass during that week and we are preparing for our Confirmation on 28 th April by starting projects on our saints’ names. We have also celebrated Valentine’s Day by making different valentine crafts.