First and Second class have had a very busy, fun April and May. Ten children in 2nd class did their First Confession on Wednesday May 26th in Dromore church. They worked really hard preparing for this all year and did a great job on the day. To celebrate they had a little party in the school with the rest of their classmates and enjoyed some treats.

They learned about some beautiful nature including the bluebell, dandelion, daisy and the hawthorn tree. The most interesting thing they learned about the hawthorn tree is that there is a strong connection with the hawthorn and the fairies. They decorated a hawthorn tree with ribbons, a tradition carried out on May Eve for the festival of Bealtaine.

The children did a free choice project and presented them to the class. The children and their parents put in a lot of effort to prepare these projects. The hard work really paid off as each presentation was very informative. Well done all!

Asad celebrated Eid al-Fitr meaning ‘Feast of Breaking of the Fast’ and kindly brought in sweets to share the celebration with his classmates. All were delighted with this and were very excited to learn all about the Islamic celebration.

In P.E the children have enjoyed learning a new skill, orienteering. This involved using a map to find the markers around the school grounds. They also thoroughly enjoyed playing tag rugby on the pitch, playing basketball, practicing skipping and making obstacle courses.

For art they made clay pinch pots, decorated and painted them. They explored shadows using torches and painted pictures of their silhouettes. They also learned about some marine life and made colourful jellyfish and seahorses.

April and May saw a lot of birthday celebrations in the classroom. Happy birthday to Cian, Colin, Shea, Fionn and Brian who all turned 9. Happy birthday to Philip who turned 8 and Aoife who turned 7.
