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Gaelbhratach is a scheme which supports and encourages schools in their efforts to promote the Irish language. The scheme is open to schools at both primary and secondary level. Schools are awarded the Gaelbhratach upon successful completion of a variety of targets. The primary aim of the scheme is to create and encourage a culture of speaking Irish informally within the school community and beyond.
The scheme is operated and coordinated by Gael Linn with support from Conradh na Gaeilge and Glór na nGael. Gaelbhratach is funded by Foras na Gaeilge. If you have any questions, please consult their website here.

Here at Dromore NS we are awarding students weekly as Gaelgoiri Na Seachtaine, highlighting and encouraging students to use the Irish language in conversation throughout the day.

Here are some useful resources and phrases for parents to use at home.

This is our 2nd year taking part in the Gaelbhratach Scheme. 


Deirdre Nic Gabhann the Gaelbhratach coordinator came to visit us on June 2nd to see our progress. 1st and 2nd Class entertained Deirdre by singing Trasna na dTonnta and then they had a lively q&a session as Gaeilge. During a walk around the school at lunchtime Deirdre got to hear 3rd-6th Class using Irish phrases while they played football. Back in the classroom 3rd and 4th Class sang her an uplifting rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann. 5th and 6th recited some Irish poetry for her such as Cúl an Tí and An tSamhraidh. 


Needless to say Deirdre she was very impressed with the level of Irish in Dromore N.S. After all our hard work and effort we reached our targets and received our first Gaelbhratach flag. Here are some of the new strategies that have been introduced to promote Irish and to spark the children's interest in the language:


Seanfhocal agus frása na Seachtaine. The children are introduced to a new Seanfhocal every week. The Seanfhocal is taught as Gaeilge and explained in English. The children are also introduced to Irish phrases weekly. These are simple phrases that they can use in their day-to day lives in school and at home.


Amhráin na bhFiann. We learned our National Anthem last year so this year we are continuing to practice it. The older classes learned the history of Amhráin na bhFiann. We are all so pleased that we can sing our National Anthem confidently and look forward to being able to sing it at future events.


Leabharlann Gaeilge. We collected all the Irish reading books from around the school and Ms. Walsh also won some lovely new Irish books for us. We now have a Leabharlann Gaeilge filled with beautiful Irish children’s books which the children can access at any time. 


Cluichí as Gaeilge. Is breá linn Cluichí as Gaeilge. Junior Infant’s to 2nd Class play Deir O’Gradaigh, Snap! Agus Nathracha agus Dreimirí. 3rd class to 6th class have played, Fiche Ceist, Cearnóga Scéil, Aon dó, trí Rug (1, 2, 3 catch), Dia Dhuit an Rí (Hello Your Majesty).

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 (SnaG). During SnaG the children were given optional challenges to do at home. One of the challenges was to take pictures of Irish in the area such as road signs. The children and their parents went above and beyond with this challenge and we got so many pictures of the Irish language displayed throughout the locality. 


In the lead up to St. Patrick’s Day we had a Lá Glas where everybody dressed in green for the day. On this day we had a Seó Gaeilge where 3rd - 6th performed plays and sang songs in Irish. Miss. O’Sullivan organized a whole school Ceilí in the court. We had a lovely sunny day for this and had great fun Irish dancing.


We had a Seanfhocal competition where the children illustrated their favourite Seanfhocal. The entries were of a very high standard and well done to everyone who took part!


Junior’s and Senior Infanr winners - 1st place Alice, 2nd place Eoin, 3rd place Ciara and Anna.


1st and 2nd Class winners- 1st place Penny, 2nd place Danny and 3rd place Olivia.


3rd - 6th Class winners - 1st place Lena, 2nd place Mary-Kate, 3rd place Fiona and Bláithín. 


Marble Jar, May-June 2022

The Gaelbhratach committee decided on having a competition between the classrooms to encourage Irish. This entailed each classroom having an empty marble jar próca mirlín and the children speaking Irish get a marble to put in their jar. After two weeks the marbles were counted and there was huge excitement when it was announced that 3rd and 4th Class came 1st place with 95 marbles. Comhgairdeachas rang a trí agus ceathair bhí sibh ar fheabhas! The winners got 10 minutes extra break and all the children in the school got jellies for their amazing efforts. 



It has been a very enjoyable 2 years helping to promote and encourage spoken Irish in the school. The children have been excellent in their efforts and have shown such great enthusiasm for the language. We look forward to continuing this great work next year!

Slán agus beannacht, 

Ms. O’Shea. 


Amhrán Na bhFiann.


This academic year 2020-2021 is our first year taking part in the Gaelbhratach scheme. For Roinn B of the scheme we choose 6 targets to work on. 


One of the targets we are working on is learning our national anthem, Amhrán Na bhFiann. Here is a video of rang a haon agus a dó singing Amhrán Na bhFiann. 

Seachtain Na Gaeilge 2021


Another one of our Gaelbhratach targets is doing a Tráth Na gCeist (table quiz). During this years Seachtain Na Gaeilge the whole school participated in a Tráth na gCeist. Great fun was had by all and a keen competitive edge was shown. Roll on the next one! 


Ticéidí órga is a annual Dromore N.S event to encourage speaking Irish in the yard for Seachtain Na Gaeilge. Luckily we were back in school this year to carry on this tradition. For this the children are given a ticéid órga (golden ticket) for speaking Irish informally. They write their names on the ticéid and it goes into a raffle. The raffle is held at the end of Seachtain Na Gaeilge and the lucky names that are drawn get extra break. Needless to say this goes down a treat! 


We also do an annual Seanfhocail (old saying) picture competition for Seachtain Na Gaeilge. The children chose a Seanfhocail and draw a picture about it. In the past we have had some amazing entries and it keeps the tradition of Seanfhocails alive.


Buaiteoirí an comórtas seanfhocail 2021: Aoife, Michael, Aaron, Andrew, Fintan, Blaithin, Aoife B, Niamh, Cian, Olivia, Joe and Cadhla.  Congratulations and Well Done.  See gallery below for photos!


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