St. Joseph's National School,
028 31541
General Learning Resources:
Word Search Maker - create your own word-search - pick 30 words and the computer will make your own word search
https://www.teachpaws.ie/ Water Safety course to do at home. Children get a certificate at the end as well!
National Spring Clean with An Taisce
Sounds Good Online Music Club. There is also an online Summer camp this year.
www.into.ie - This site has a great list of tips and tricks for parents. Definitely check it out.
A link to all the Rte Home School Hub resources for all the activities from the show. These lessons are fun, engaging and the Hub also provides activity sheets or resources to download and print.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Similar to RTE Hub, might add a bit of variety.
Gearoid H and Andrew have written and illustrated a fantastic comic book story (click to read).
Home Learning Packs: 'tts' have created a curriculum-focused independent learning resource with over 120 home learning activities all planned and all prepared. They have activity packs for different ages and also a well-being pack suitable for all ages. Scroll down to end of this page to download the PDF's.
Jolly Phonics. This may be of interest to some children who would like more reading material. Jolly Phonics have made their decodable readers free until the end of May.
World Book Day website has different resources for reading. Check it out. Some lovely stories read by authors etc.
https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com - to sign in username is sdublin and password is libra. A good collection of books.
Cork Library January bookshelf - click on the book and it takes you to the reading link. Highly recommend.
Literacy in the Kitchen - a useful resource with tips and support for parents to engage with emergent literacy at home. Highly recommend downloading for your own convenience.
Spellzone is a useful website for phonics.
https://www.independent.ie/ link to an article by PDST on Reading at Home. It’s very accessible and full of practical tips.
Collins Big Cat eBooks free for parents to access.
https://www.storyberries.com/ offering free fairy tales and stories with lovely illustrations.
https://www.penguin.com/ some great activity sheets and lesson plans for Penguin books.
https://www.penguin.co.uk/- A great article talking about teaching your child phonics. Worth a quick read.
https://www.bl.uk/news/2020/march/discovering-childrens-books -Some lovely ideas here.
Classroom Secret - Reading and Maths home learning packs - offering free access to child version of site.
Cbeebies - Alphablocks and other tv shows and educational games available
Teach Your Monster To Read - website is free, paid app.
Oxford Owl eBooks and reading.
https://www.nytimes.com list of apps etc.
Vooks -Storybooks brought to life.
Spelling Shed- (paid app)
https://www.pilcrow.ie/apps - Free counting and alphabet app - made in Ireland
https://www.seussville.com/ - Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss
https://www.starfall.com. - Practice your phonics skills
https://www.storylineonline.net/ - Picture story books read aloud
https://stories.audible.com/start-listen Free audio books
https://www.scoilnet.ie/scoilnet-services/world-book/ - World book online
https://thereadingacademyonline.com/p/home-school-support Home-School support in reading
https://reading.ecb.org/ Practice reading strategies (Building Bridges)
https://www.abcya.com/ Practice reading skills at all levels
Maths and Science
NASA's Kids Club - lots of science and space resources for kids
STEM at home with Discover Primary Science and Maths- this is great page with ideas for how to incorporate STEM in activities at home. some have been done in school already but it is always interesting to put your own twist on it at home!
TheMathsFactor with Carol Voderman
Maths Week are providing online resources for maths at home during Covid-19
The Dad Labs has many videos showing simple science experiments.
Earth Based Fun on Facebook has some good links/thoughts to check out. E.g. David Walliams is releasing an audio story every day for the next 30 days.
White Rose Maths - maths home learning packages available during school closure.
Master The Curriculum - have made resources free for parents.
https://www.funbrain.com/ -Maths games for all ages
Dragon Box - (paid app)
BeeBot App for Computing - (free app, go to your app store)
Cbeebies - Numberblocks
ICT Games - Maths and literacy
Prodigy Maths - (free app)
iXL- for maths and literacy.
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/makecode?rtc=1 -Free tutorials in coding
https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub - Code club for 9-13 year olds
https://education.minecraft.net/ -Hour of Code: Minecraft lesson on
https://scratch.mit.edu/ -Create stories, games and animations
https://switchzoo.com/ -Learn about animals
https://www.highlightskids.com/ -Science Experiments
https://www.fooddudes.ie/food-dudes-fun-at-home/ Food Dudes are updating weekly activities for children at home.
Maddie Moate channel on youtube for lots of different science and nature educational videos. Live at 11 daily. But can watch back at a time that suits you.
Gaeilge Resources
Cupla focail - this is a link to a great PDF. Would recommend downloading as will come in handy at some stage. Laid out very clear and easy to follow.
cogg.ie has a variety of resources for learning (through) Irish.
Edco have made Bua na Cainte available to parents. However the files are Large and you will need a laptop and fast broadband. Junior room are working on BnC,B. If you are interested check here, username and password are both 'trial'. Any problems let us know.
Seo Linn on YouTube has some great song covers as gaeilge
Glor na nGeal have uploaded stories as gaeilge on their facebook page
https://www.duolingo.com/enroll/ga/en/Learn-Irish - Learn Irish on duolingo
Geography and History
To find out more about your townland/areas history or anywhere in Ireland click here
Logainm - place-names database of Ireland
Children's Section of Áras an Uachtaráin - see inside the Áras, learn about the President (Who is He, What Does He Do, Where Does He Live) and then take the quiz and test your knowledge.
Dublinia - a fully interactive tour where you can learn all about the Viking and Medieval history of Dublin
Cork City Gaol - opened in 1824 but now operating as a museum, you can take a tour of the gaol.
The Cliffs of Moher - you can take a look around the Cliffs.
Titanic Experience Cobh - children's art and story competition.
Heritage in Schools online tutorials and competition.
Heritage council have a discover Ireland's walled towns workbook.
History with Dan Snow. Podcasts available here.
https://www.travelandleisure.com/ Links to 12 museums with virtual tours
https://www.education.ie/historycompetition - Decade of Centenaries History Project Competition
https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ - Learn all about geogrpahy
Mindfulness and Keeping Active
Fetch - a PDF by Cork Sports Partnership. Another useful PDF to download full of PE related ideas and activities.
GAA learning portal - this looks like fun!
Cork Sports Partnership have lots of resources on their page for keeping active. Ideas, games and challenges for all ages and abilities. They also look at well-being and health tips.
Smiling Mind - Short audio sessions to help with mindfulness.
https://jigsawonline.ie - For older children.
BBC Supermovers - interactive videos that support maths and literacy.