St. Joseph's National School,
028 31541
Important Dates for Your Diary
Mon 6th: School reopens - Welcome back and we hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
Bit of a muddle of a week, weatherise, but we made it through! ;)
Tues 7th/14th/21st/28th: Tennis with Stuart.
Thurs 16th: Library bus. Gentle reminder to bring in library books to exchange.
Week beginning 20th January: Catholic Schools Week.
Mon 20th: Prayer service
Thur 23rd: Grandparents Day - Service at 12:30 in Dromore Church followed by tea back at the school.
Fri 24th: Prayer service
Mon 3rd: Closed for bank holiday.
Tues 4th: Mr Mulcahy starts.
Tues 4th/11th: Tennis with Stuart.
Wed 5th/12th/19th/26th: Gymnastics in Skibbereen
Mon 10th: FAI Boys soccer blitz
Tues 18th: Enrolment day for 25/26 Junior infants
Thurs 20th Fri 21st: Closed for mid term.
Mon 24th: FAI Girls soccer blitz.